July 2021
Hi friends,
“Chisingaperi chiiko? Chishingaperi chine maninji.”
― Matemai
The above quote is a lyric that my teacher sang. He is asking the listener “Is there anything in the world that does not end? If something didn’t end, it would become too much”. This is a Shona way of saying “the only constant is change”.
Indeed, these have been days of great change for many of us. This month, my teacher of 23 years, mentor, and sahwira (deepest friend) passed away. The great Newton Cheza Chozengwa (Matemai) passed away on July 17th in Zimbabwe from complications due to Covid.
Our mbira band playing in 1999 or 2000
I can’t put in to words how much my relationship with Matemai meant to me. He was my primary teacher starting in 1998. We lived together for years in Chitungwiza, and every time I go to Zimbabwe I stay with Matemai. I grew in to this music under his instruction, and everything I have taught to the hundreds of students that I’ve worked with has been directly influenced by him. I’m so grateful for all he taught me-not just about music, but about how to walk in the world. His humbleness and relaxed way of interacting with everyone (and the music) is something I strive to emulate every day.
I’m not alone in my sense of loss. The greater international mbira community has been hit hard by this news as well. Matemai traveled the US in 2008 and touched thousands of people with his spirit. In these last few days I’ve been hearing from people around the world and it’s been so humbling to witness the ripples of his teaching.
I was asked by Zimfest to record a tribute to Matemai, and that will be shown on Friday July 30th at 5:30PM PST. You can watch that at the Zimfest website.
Travel well, Matemai. My friend.
If you’d like to learn more about Matemai, this is an interview that I did with him a few years ago where I asked him to talk about his life:

Personal Health Issues
Back in March, I noticed a lump on my collarbone. That brought me square in to the frustrating world of the US healthcare system. It took 10 weeks to finally see a doctor, and I was told at that time that most likely the lump was a benign lipoma, but that it could possibly be a swollen lymph node.
The story actually gets pretty long, and so I’m going to skip all the back and forth, testing, second opinions, mis-read lab reports, etc….
Where I stand today is that after a CT Scan, the doctors believe that I do not have any underlying chest or lung issues and I am scheduled to have the lump removed on August 15th. They will biopsy it then, but I am hoping that this long and stressful experience will finally be over then! Several of you follow me on facebook, and so you have already known about these health issues. Thank you all so much for your love and support through this! I’m hoping that by the time I write my next newsletter that this will finally be all in the past!

Texas Commission on the Arts Summer Tour
Nothing better than sharing mbira!
My TCA Summer tour is well under way! I had a great time with the folks in Caldwell, TX where I performed two solo mbira concerts/workshops and a super fun Ableton Live class where I taught kids how to do sound design and music for their own animations.
Sound Design for Animation workshop
I have three more concerts/workshops in Columbus, TX in August:
Solo Mbira performance and workshop:
August 5, 2021 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Live Oak Art Center
1014 Milam St, Columbus, TX 78934
Solo Mbira performance and workshop:
August 6, 2021 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Nesbitt Memorial Library
529 Washington St, Columbus, TX 78934
Electronic Music Production Workshop:
August 6, 2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Nesbitt Memorial Library
529 Washington St, Columbus, TX 78934

Seven new mbira lessons on Patreon
July has been a busy month on the mbira Patreon page! Seven new lessons have been posted-including a continuation of the Kariga Mombe beginner series. We’ve also have been taking a deep dive in to some advanced concepts with the same song. I’m on a Kariga Mombe kick-what can I say?!
If you are an mbira player and you haven’t joined us yet, I’d love to have you! For only $20 a month you get instant access to well over 300 mbira lessons spanning the last 5 years!
Here’s a sample of this month’s scheduled posts:

The best way to support me as an artist:
If you are not an mbira player, but you are inspired to help support me as an artist, the very best way is to become a patron. For as little as $5 a month you can get access to all my music for free before other people can even buy it. You also get access to behind the scenes videos and other perks.
My fantasy is that eventually I’ll have 1,000 true fans!!

This has been a long newsletter-thanks for sticking with me until the end! I start school at UT next month, so I should have a lot of different stuff to talk about then! Until then, thank you all so much for your love and support and please stay safe and healthy out there!
If you’d like to stay in touch, I’m relatively active on my youtube channel. Feel free to subscribe over there to keep in touch: https://www.youtube.com/c/
And of course, if you are an mbira player, I’d love to see you over on my patreon page!
Until next time!
June, 2021
“If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together.”
― African Proverb
It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been almost a year since I sent my last update. But then again, for me-and I’m sure for most of you- this last year has felt both very long and very short.
Anyway, I think we are all most interested in looking forward instead of looking back. So to that end, I will just give a few very short bullet points of the highlights of this last year for me:
- When I saw all my gigs evaporate, I decided to go back to school. I took Calculus 1 and 2, and a few core classes at Austin Community College (all remote), and I applied to UT in Austin for Music Composition. I’m excited that I have been accepted, and I will be starting in-person classes at UT in the fall. You can watch my private UT audition video here!
- Rakefet and I decided to separate back in December-you may have seen this video we made the announcement-and I moved in to a new house. Our separation was never due to lack of love or connection, but it seems to have mainly been logistical. I am generally a night-owl and Rakefet wakes up early. We were living in a very small condo, and after 8 years, it was just all too much. We were simultaneously unable to have any space and also never having time to connect. Since moving in to my house, that has relieved a tremendous amount of stress for both of us, and we have continued to date exclusively throughout the whole separation. We have since decided to recommit to our marriage, though we both are very happy to each have our own house. Here’s to moving forward with a “non-traditional” relationship!
- Throughout the pandemic, I have continued to create online mbira lessons on my Patreon page. I’m thankful to be continuing to teach people from all over the world this beautiful music.

Kupira Marimba Back at Central Market
Our first public marimba band gig will be in Austin at Central Market North! This is going to be a fun community event with many old friends jumping on stage with the band. We hope you can make it out to this Austin favorite!
Kupira Marimba Performance
July 9th 5:30-7:30 PM
Central Market
4001 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78756
Free show!

Texas Commission on the Arts Summer Tour

I’m honored to have been chosen by the TCA to be one of the artists doing a Rural/Underserved Area Tour in areas of Texas where the arts rarely make it out to. In August I will be performing and giving workshops at 6 shows in Burleson and Colorado Counties. Three events are currently confirmed, and they are:
Solo Mbira performance and workshop:
August 5, 2021 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Live Oak Art Center
1014 Milam St, Columbus, TX 78934
Solo Mbira performance and workshop:
August 6, 2021 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Nesbitt Memorial Library
529 Washington St, Columbus, TX 78934
Electronic Music Production Workshop:
August 6, 2021 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Nesbitt Memorial Library
529 Washington St, Columbus, TX 78934

My latest Electronic EP available on Electric Lady Bird:

I’m honored to be one of the featured artists in the Austin Public Library’s “Electric Lady Bird” project. It’s a great honor, and I’m in some really great company-some of the best musicians in Austin. The cool thing is that anyone in the world can listen to everyones music on this awesome Austin Public Library website.

The best way to support me as an artist:
If you are inspired to help support me as an artist, the very best way is to become a patron. For as little as $5 a month you can get access to all my music for free before other people can even buy it. You also get access to behind the scenes videos and other perks.
My fantasy is that eventually I’ll have 1,000 true fans!!

If you’d like to stay in touch, I’m relatively active on my youtube channel. Feel free to subscribe over there to keep in touch: https://www.youtube.com/c/JoelLaviolette
And of course, if you are an mbira player, I’d love to see you over on my patreon page!
Until next time!
July, 2020

Hi friends,
“Elsewhere the sky is the roof of the world; but here the earth was the floor of the sky.”
― Willa Catherged
Rakefet, Siena, and I decided to get out of Austin for a while. We are up in the mountains in New Mexico. I used to live here in my teenage years and early 20’s. There’s something really healing about the clear sky and….just getting a chance to get out of the city. I’m really grateful to have been able to take this space. We are planning on staying through the month of August.
The Rio Grande Gorge
I’m feeling less fatalistic about things since last month’s newsletter. I mentioned that I’m planning on going back to school, and I have more clarity around that. I have researched a few different options based on the credits that I already have. At this point, I’m planning on taking a few core classes at Austin Community College and then auditioning for the music program at the University of Texas. Basically, no matter which route I take (unless I was to move back to Albuquerque), I would lose most of my credits when transferring anyway, so it seems to make the most sense to just do it this way.
I decided to get back on my antidepressants this month. I’m so thankful for them. For those that didn’t know, I got off them back in March (right before Covid!). I have found myself feeling increasing anxiety and some of my old patterns of really overreacting to external stuff were coming back pretty strong. I’ve been back on them for a couple weeks now, and I already feel so much better. If you or anyone you love is suffering from depression or anxiety, I highly recommend talking to a professional to see if that may be a good path for you. I resisted medication for decades, and I really wasted so much energy and stress. I can say that for myself the resistance I had and the fears of “losing my creativity”, etc, were totally unfounded.

Please subscribe to my Youtube channel!

They say that every newsletter needs a simple call to action! Well, here is mine! Please take 5 seconds and Subscribe to My Youtube Channel!
On my Youtube channel-every month- I get about 1,000 views and 40 hours (!!!) of my videos are watched. And youtube pays me….$0.00.
Why? Because in order to get paid I need to have 1000 subscribers. 95% of the people that watch my videos don’t subscribe. I need to start doing the whole “be sure and click the subscribe button” thing in my videos I guess, BUT I’d rather ask for your help-will you please head over to my youtube channel and click subscribe? Thank you!

New Music:
Did You Win?
My latest release is out now on all the major platforms.
An homage to Minimal Techno with some touches of IDM and a bit of bubbling Dub.
Starfire (Patreon Exclusive)
My latest creation!
Coming out on July 31st.
If you are a patron, you can download it now!
(free download on Patreon!)
What’s the deal with Patreon Exclusive music?
I want to humbly thank the eleven people that have become patrons of my music and art! Thank you so much! If you are inspired to help support me as an artist, the very best way is to become a patron. For as little as $5 a month you can get access to all my music for free before other people can even buy it. You also get access to behind the scenes videos and other perks.
My fantasy is that eventually I’ll have 1,000 true fans!!

I’m going to wrap this newsletter up now. I want to thank each and every one of you for reading and for being a part of my life! It is your love-and your support-that makes my life as an artist possible! <3
With love,
Joel Laviolette
PS: Here are some social media links if you want to connect with me out there-I’d love to see what you are up to!
June, 2020
“Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”
― James Baldwin
The above quote is from the powerful James Baldwin movie, “I am Not Your Negro”. It’s on Netflix right now. I highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it. Black Lives Matter.
This newsletter may be more personal than you’d expect or want to hear from me….in which case, dear reader, perhaps you may want to stop reading now.
To be honest-life has been hard these last several weeks. It certainly seems to be pervasive through these whole United States-not only here in my little world. Here in Texas the coronavirus has shown no sign at all of slowing down-our numbers are increasing dramatically-meanwhile the Governor has been pushing for the economy to open back up and those sole-proprietors (like me) that are on unemployment are supposed to start looking for work again. I don’t really even know what that means.
When I look around at the music industry, I see a hollowed out and evaporated empty space where there used to be something. It has always been an ephemeral ghost that is kept alive by hopes and dreams of those of us that moved forward despite the odds. But now important local music venues are closing for good, Live-event corporations are trying to shift losses on to artists, and even platinum selling artists are in the same boat as us indies with nowhere to play and nothing to do.
I honestly don’t see any hope for the future of this industry. I tend toward more depressive thoughts anyway, but I don’t think this is depression-I think this is reality. To think otherwise would be the equivalent at staring at the sky and trying to will it to be red instead of blue. It simply is not our reality any more.
So….what to do with all of that?
Well, for me, I can say that the actual act of creating music is decoupled from any sort of calculus that I use in trying to figure out how to get by in life. It’s one of the few acts in my life that gives me genuine peace and comfort. It’s mental-health support, intellectual tickling, and meditation. I’ve been lucky for the last couple of decades to be able to make a living making music. I think that luck has run out.
This last week I had the interesting experience of taking an Algebra test. I’ve decided to go back to school and so I needed to take a math test to show that I’m ready for college. I have gone to university three times over my life-it’s always been to pursue more musical knowledge and was never to get a degree. I was surprised to see that I’ve accumulated 91 credits over the years (I guess you need 120 for a bachelors degree), and so I’m going to spend the next year or so taking core classes so I can get a degree. While my plan is to complete a music composition degree, I have always been really interested in electronics. I’m considering going back for electrical engineering. It would add a couple of years to my degree plans, but it is something I’m considering…still talking to advisors about dual major stuff, etc.
So, I guess this is all to say that life really feels like it’s in flux. I don’t know what the next chapter will look like…for me, and for the rest of the world. We are all going through massive transitions. I wish every one of you the best of luck and grace getting through these next several months!
Ok, so now let’s get on with the newsletter!

New Music:
I Love This
My latest release is out now on all the major platforms.
How would it sound if angels and robots had a dance party? Maybe a bit like this….
Did You Win? (Patreon Exclusive)
This tune is now scheduled for release on Ecstatic Wave Records on July 3rd.
If you are a patron, you can download it now!
(free download on Patreon!)
Starfire (Patreon Exclusive)
My latest creation!
Coming out on July 17th.
If you are a patron, you can download it now!
(free download on Patreon!)
What’s the deal with Patreon Exclusive music?
I want to humbly thank the nine people that have become patrons of my music and art! Thank you so much! If you are inspired to help support me as an artist, the very best way is to become a patron. For as little as $5 a month you can get access to all my music for free before other people can even buy it. You also get access to behind the scenes videos and other perks.
My fantasy is that eventually I’ll have 1,000 true fans!

A new studio addition:

I had fun building this little tube amp. It’s based on an old Vox AC-15 amp. Just a simple 18 watt class-A amp. I wanted to have a nice warm sound in my studio, so I decided to whip this up.
On another note-did you know I used to run a company called “Vintage Amplifier Repair”? I built and fixed tube guitar amps. Started in 2001 back in Albuquerque. I fixed hundreds of amps over the years. The first day I moved to Austin in 2006, I walked in to South Austin Music and Bill (the owner) gave me a job fixing all the amps that had been sitting there unfixed for years. I fixed about 150 amps in that first year for him!
Anyway-this is all to say that after building this little amp, I have the bug again. If you are here in Austin, and if you have an old tube amp that needs some love…let me know!

Well this was a heavier newsletter. Maybe next month will be easier! Thanks for reading!
With love,
Joel Laviolette
PS: Here are some social media links if you want to connect with me out there-I’d love to see what you are up to!
May, 2020
Hi Friends,
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”
― Vivian Greene
I feel like that’s an appropriate quote for these days. For so many of the people I know these days, it seems to be about figuring out how to do the best we can with what we have…finding the silver lining!
Are there any silver linings that you have been seeing through this? I’d love to hear them-feel free to email me back and let me know!
Let’s get on with the newsletter!

New Music:
One of my big silver linings has been getting a lot of music done in the studio….including a track my daughter Siena and I made together!
Mellow Morning
Chill-hop by me and my daughter!
Siena loves making Tik Tok videos! Instead of using other people’s music, we decided to make our own! (listen)
I Love This (Patreon exclusive)
A fun glitchy song that I’ve been working on since Feb 2019.
I really like taking vocal sounds and chopping them all up and turning them in to percussion.
(free download on Patreon!)
Did You Win? (Patreon Exclusive)
Fresh out of the studio! I just finished this track this evening. It’s a minimal Techno style tune…agin with those glitched out vocals-I just can’t get enough of that!
(free download on Patreon!)
What’s the deal with Patreon Exclusive music?
The journey of getting a new song out in to the world can often take a very long time! Two of the above songs took me over a year to complete! When a song has finally been produced, mixed, mastered, artwork made, metadata entered, etc…only then do I start the process of sending the song out to labels (or self releasing), sending promos out to music critics, get the song to the various distributers, etc, etc. That process usually takes around 6 weeks. I wanted a way to be able to instantly share my new music with my true fans. So now the first thing I do when a new song is done is I post it on my new Patreon page. My true fans there get instant access to High-Resolution audio files (no other distributers offer that!).
TLDR: The above two songs that are Patreon Access will be available only to Patrons until their official release in 6 weeks. Join Patreon for as low as $5 per month and get access to ALL of my music the minute it’s finished for free! 🙂
Patreon is a way that I can connect directly with true fans, and it’s a way that fans can help me establish a basic and consistent income. It’s a win-win. You get full access for less money than you would anywhere else, and I get a little closer to a steady income!

Mbira Mondays! Global Mbira live-stream
Join us on my personal Facebook page on Monday nights 5:30-6:30PM (CDT) for Mbira Monday!
Every Monday we feature music from musicians from around the world playing this beautiful music. I hope you can join us!

That’s all for this month!
Please feel free to drop me a line and let me know how you are doing! I’m happy to connect and be here if you want to reach out!
With love,
Joel Laviolette
PS: Here are some social media links if you want to connect with me out there-I’d love to see what you are up to!
April, 2020
Hi friends,
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
― Fred Rogers
I love that quote so much. How are you holding up these days? What have you been doing to keep yourself occupied and happy? It’s been really interesting connecting with lots of friends from around the world. As you surely know, those of us in the music industry have taken a huge hit-almost all of our work went away from everything closing down. But on the flip side, I have some friends in other industries that are busier than they have ever been! That’s a good reminder to me that it’s easy to think that our own reality is all there is, but when I look out, we are each experiencing this in our own unique way.
If you want to share with me how you are experiencing things right now-even just to have someone to talk to, I’m here and I’m happy to connect with you!
It’s been a while since I’ve shared what I’m up to, so wanted to send this out. I’m hoping to get better at sending out a monthly newsletter to you all.
Thank you all so much for your love and support~it means everything to me~it’s what keeps me going every day. 🙂

New Music:
I have several new singles out. You can listen to them below. I’d love to hear what you think! Do you have a favorite?
Calming Ambient Music.
I wanted to write something beautiful and meditative for this difficult time. Based on the overtone series of one of my favorite notes – Bb. (listen)
Animal Farm
Started on an ipad in Hana, Hawaii. Finished in the middle of Coronavirus isolation in Austin, TX.
A fun exploration of glitched out percussion and distorted guitar and synth interplay. (listen)
Entering Dande
A slamming Psytrance song.
Heavy, driving rhythms. Inspired by spirit possession experiences in rural Zimbabwe. (listen)
Tripped Again
Glitched out Modular Synth IDM/Braindance.
Explore odd time signatures and deep layering. I like this one a lot.

Mbira Mondays! Global Mbira live-stream
Every Monday night, over on my personal Facebook page, I have been doing a live-stream show where I’m playing mbira and also featuring videos of mbira players from around the world. It’s been a really great feeling to connect with other lovers of this music from around the world during this time. I’d love if you’d join us!

New Patreon page launched
Are you a true fan of my music and art? Do you want access to all my latest music before anyone else hears it? Or maybe you like seeing my behind-the-scenes process? Have you been learning from the tutorials I post and want to give back?
You can join my Patreon page for as little as $5 a month to get access to all of that and more. Patreon is a way that I can connect directly with true fans, and it’s a way that fans can help me establish a basic and consistent income. It’s a win-win. You get full access for less money than you would anywhere else, and I get a little closer to a steady income.

That’s all for this month. I love you and I so appreciate your support over the years! And, again, I’d love to hear how you are doing through all this! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me….and while you are at it, please reach out to your neighbor and see how they are doing!
With love,
Joel Laviolette
PS: Here are some social media links if you want to connect with me out there-I’d love to see what you are up to!
September, 2019
Hello, Friends!
I’ve been back in Austin now for a few weeks, and its been full steam ahead! Lots to share, so let’s just jump right in.
Also, I’d love to hear about what’s going on in your life! Shoot me a reply and fill me in on what’s going on for you!

Upcoming shows:
09/30/19 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
Me-Mer-Mo Monday – Kupira Marimba (mbira set)
The Volstead Lounge: 1500 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78702
See more details
10/01/2019 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Ecstatic Soul Sessions – Joel Laviolette solo DJ set
The High Road on Dawson, 700 Dawson Rd, Austin, TX 78704, USA
See more details
10/06/2019 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Ecstatic Dance Houston -Joel DJ set
Houston, TX
See more details
10/13/2019 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm
ACC Campus:Ableton Live performance/Demo: Joel Laviolette
Northridge Lecture Hall 4136, Austin
10/16/2019 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Austin Airport – Joel Laviolette solo

Seis Manos Premieres this Thursday on Netflix!

I’m thrilled that the time has finally come for the release of Seis Manos. It will be streaming worldwide on Netflix on Oct 3rd. I had the honor of doing the Music Preparation working with the great composer Carl Thiel.
Make some popcorn and put the kids to bed (this show is NOT kid friendly!) and enjoy!

Makena Surf single now released

This is a really fun “Surf Trance” song…yes-I just made that genre up. It’s sort of a progressive trance song, but with guitars, and sound design from right down the street at one of my favorite beaches in Maui. This single has an extended version and a shorter radio edit.

Interview with Dorico

I had the pleasure of doing an interview with Steinberg’s Dorico team. Dorico is the notation software I use. We spoke about the process of scoring Seis Manos.

Construction, construction, construction!
My primary focus since I’ve been back is to get my studio construction finished. Currently, all my studio stuff is in the rehearsal room at Mosaic. I need the studio done so I can move everything out and have a dedicated space to work again! Hopefully the room will be done within the next two months! There is a lot of activity at Mosaic, so I am trying to do this room right: doubled up 5/8″ sheetrock with green glue, whisper clips with hat channel to decouple the walls from the studs, etc. It’s a big job, but it’s coming along!

Get a free 30 minute Skype lesson if you sign up on patreon!
I’m running a special on the mbira Patreon page that ENDS OCT 1st!
If you sign up at the standard $20 per month rate, I am throwing in a free 30 minute Skype lesson ($45 value)! As a reminder-anyone that is a patron has access to ALL of the mbira lessons-well over 300 lessons!

That’s all for this month. I love you and I so appreciate your support over the years!
With love,
Joel Laviolette
August, 2019
Hello, Friends!
Hi friends near and far! I hope you all had a beautiful summer – or winter for those of you in the southern hemisphere. I’m wrapping up my last week here on Maui and then heading back to Austin. Very excited to be back with Siena and Rakefet…and not excited to be back in the 100+ degree heat! Let’s to share, so let’s dive in!
PS: I’d love to hear what you are up to, so please feel free to message me back and let me know what’s exciting in your life!

Upcoming shows:
09/07/2019 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Central Market – Kupira Marimba
Central Market, 4001 N Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78756, USA
See more details
09/13/2019 11:30 AM
Mother Earth Day Festival – Kupira Marimba Trio
Barton Springs – Austin, TX
See more details
09/25/2019 Midnight (the night of the 25th) – 1:30 am
HAAM Benefit – Joel Laviolette solo (lots of other acts as well!)
The Venue ATX
See more details
10/01/2019 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm
Ecstatic Soul Sessions – Joel Laviolette solo DJ set
The High Road on Dawson, 700 Dawson Rd, Austin, TX 78704, USA
See more details
10/06/2019 10:30 am – 12:30 pm
Ecstatic Dance Houston -Joel DJ set
Houston, TX
See more details

Dudidodo EP now released!
My latest EP “Dudidodo” is now out in all the digital platforms.
These two tunes were a lot of fun for me – mostly done on the modular synth with vocals contributed by my daughter, Siena.
“With this latest EP, Joel takes us back to his Techno music roots. ‘Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep’ brings us squarely back to the acid-techno days but with a striking modern feel. Interweaving spoken word from the 1932 poem of the same name by Mary Elizabeth Frye, this dark piece takes us deep with its use of syncopated glitch lines and sequenced FM synths.
On the second track, ‘Dudidodo’, Joel sampled his daughter singing and then pitched it and glitched it-interweaving it with the exclusively modular synth creation. This track checks all the boxes and is destined to become a minimal techno classic.”
You can find the EP on any of your favorite stores including iTunes, Bandcamp, Beatport, and all the others.

Makena Surf single coming in September

I have a single coming out in September (early release on Beatport on August 30th) that is a really fun “Surf Trance” song…yes-I just made that genre up. It’s sort of a progressive trance song, but with guitars, and sound design from right down the street at one of my favorite beaches here on Maui. This single has an extended version and a shorter radio edit.
“A fun and playful journey from Trance to Surf music. Surfs up!
This 138 Left-Field trance song takes the listener on a playful journey through the arpeggiated synth waves and joy-filled grooves from a time when life was easy and fun. A chance to be less serious! “

Very cool educational language video game project: FabuLingua
I’m thrilled to have just started working on an exciting project that is close to my heart: FabuLingua. This is an interactive dual language children’s storytelling app that parents use with their kids. I really struggled with learning a second language until I finally really had a reason to learn Shona when I moved to Zimbabwe and my teacher doesn’t speak English. Before then, I was HORRIBLE in grade school when it came to learning languages. I was convinced that it was something I’d just never be able to do. I love this project because it makes it fun for kids at such a young age to engage with these stories.
For my part, I’m excited to be recording and editing dialog with the great team at FabuLingua! They are scheduled to go live in September, so stay tuned!

Lots more mbira lessons on Patreon!
For those of you that are mbira players-we are cruising along with the lessons over there on Patreon! Eight new lessons have been posted since the last newsletter and we are now well beyond 200 lessons!
Full access to ALL the lessons is only $20 per month (scholarships are available to those in need). So if you are interested in going deeper in to learning this music, come say hello! https://patreon.com/mbira

Beginner and advanced music production tutorials now on Youtube
I’ve been having a lot of fun exploring some deeper concepts in my productions. Those of you that are music producers may be interested in some of the tutorial videos I’ve been making. Check them out on the youtube channel-and I’m always open to suggestions about what you are interested in learning more about!
Thats all for this month. I love you and I so appreciate your support over the years!
With love,
Joel Laviolette
PS: I have a new personal Artist page over on facebook. Please come say hi!
July 2019:
Hello, Friends!
Aloha from Maui! Rakefet and I are visiting my mom and Kevin. Rakefet will be here until the beginning of August when she’ll head back to Austin to start graduate school for mental-health counseling. I will be in Maui through the end of August as I continue to work on music and look at some next steps in my own career.

My next EP “Dudidodo” coming in August!

My latest EP “Dudidodo” will be released on Ecstatic Wave Records officially on Aug. 23rd in all the stores. Early release on Beatport will be Aug. 9th.
I really enjoyed making these two tunes!
“With this latest EP, Joel takes us back to his Techno music roots. ‘Do Not Stand At My Grave and Weep’ brings us squarely back to the acid-techno days but with a striking modern feel. Interweaving spoken word from the 1932 poem of the same name by Mary Elizabeth Frye, this dark piece takes us deep with its use of syncopated glitch lines and sequenced FM synths.
On the second track, ‘Dudidodo’, Joel sampled his daughter singing and then pitched it and glitched it-interweaving it with the exclusively modular synth creation. This track checks all the boxes and is destined to become a minimal techno classic.”
If you follow me on Spotify, you will be notified when the EP is released!

Seis Manos

I’m thrilled to be wrapping up this project that I have been working on over the last year with the incredibly talented composer Carl Thiel (From Dusk To Dawn, Spy Kids, and many more). Carl has been so gracious with his time and energy in teaching me the film composition process. It is such a thrill to sit by his side and see a master at work. I have had the honor of doing the Music Preparation for his music. It has been an amazing learning experience.
Seis Manos-created by the same people that brought us Castlevania-will be releasing on Netflix this fall. We are wrapping up the music for the last episode now. I can’t wait for everyone to see this awesome (and gory!) show! It’s a blast!

Rattletree and Solo shows:
A lot of people have been asking me what is going on with Rattletree and whether the band is still together and playing. The short answer is “Yes, of course!”, but there is a longer answer.
For me personally, I have been really enjoying going deep into a lot of musical elements that the container of Rattletree can’t really hold. The boundary between sound, noise, and music has intrigued me since I was a little kid experimenting with recording loops of feedback from my guitar and playing the loops back at different speeds-finding the music in the chaos…or spending hours with an old TV set that would play white noise but when tweaked…just…so…there would be ghostly voices that would come through. So while Rattletree as a band has a set repertoire of music, (and a beautiful group of fans!) I have been increasingly interested in “coloring outside of the lines”. I’ve been mainly focusing on my live compositions and generative music and video making processes.
My near-term hope is twofold:
1) to continue to dive deep in to working with Carl as an apprentice film composer – where those worlds of visuals, noise, and music merge. Where we are left with pure feeling and expression.
2) to continue to refine my connection to the source through my live compositions, Ecstatic Dance DJ sets, and site installation work. I am especially excited about a big project with Luminaria in the fall where I will be incorporating live video projection-mapping onto the surface of a creek and ambient mics will capture the sound of participants. Those inputs will get tweaked in real-time by me and my modular synth and the music/ambience will then affect the video output that is on the water. This “feedback loop” will hopefully create a situation where the audience becomes an integrated part of the art making/experiencing process.
I can’t wait to share more about it as I go forward, AND I’m always interested in connecting with others that are intrigued by this field, so feel free to hit me up! If you or your organization are interested in working with me, don’t forget that I’m on the TCA touring roster. They are often able to help with tour support and their deadline for supporting us through the fall is August 1st, so if you want to work together-get with me soon and let’s make it happen!
I think this newsletter has gone on long enough, but I want to send a warm ALOHA to you all. I love you and I so appreciate your support over the years.
With love,
Joel Laviolette
PS: I have a new personal Artist page over on facebook. Please come say hi!
Recent Articles and Press:
Austin American-Statesman
Austin Chronicle
Culturemap Austin
Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike deGruy (2019) (Music Preparation)
Seis Manos (mid-2019 release) (Music Preparation)
Austin Music Awards “Best World Music” band (Rattletree, 2015-2016 and 2016-2017)
Esme Barrera Award for Activism and Music
Four-time recipient of the Enjoy Texas Music Grant
Grant recipient from the State of Texas to build marimbas for the Texas School for the Blind
ASCAP Composer and Publisher
Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) Touring Roster Artist
Percussive Arts Society (PAS) World Music committee member
The Recording Academy (Grammy) member
Partial Client List:
The Long Center
ACL Festival
Mr. Greenhearts Treehouse
Percussive Notes
Sound On Sound Magazine
Save Our Springs Alliance
The City of Austin
The Herb Bar
Fox 7 News
KUTX Radio
KOOP Radio
WWOZ New Orleans
Art Outside
Luminaria Festival
Waco Tribune Herald
KERA Dallas