Max Eliminates the Phrases and We Were Never the Same
Cleared for licensing: Yes
Tags: Ambient, Contemplative, Downtempo, Drums, Electronic, Generative, Lo-Fi, Modular Synth, No Vocals, Sound Design, Story, Wistful
About Max Eliminates the Phrases and We Were Never the Same:
This was created with a Max 7 patch where I used the mbira music generator to randomly create mbira music. Those pitches are then fed in to seven different voices (strings, synths, horns, choir, etc). Each voice is set to start on a specific pitch and then either be an ascending or descending melodic line. Once a pitch goes through the voice, that voice is now unable to play again until the next allowable note for it's specific duty happens. IE: if it is a descending melodic line that starts on a D3 then once a D3 is played, that voice can not play again unless a C3 happens. Then it can't play again unless a B2 happens. What this does is create seven completely independent melody lines that maintain the structure and the rules of mbira music harmony, but completely ignore any concept of phrase length-freeing us from that constraint.
Song Title: Max Eliminates the Phrases and We Were Never the Same
ISRC Code: QMDF81800007
Length: 10:10
Artist: Mbirame
Composer: Joel Laviolette
Publisher: Joel Laviolette Publishing
Cleared For Licensing: Yes